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Pan manufacturers training

Training for pan manufacturers

As a pan manufacturer or as a process-linked supplier, your aim is to deliver high quality products + implementations services. So as to improve your services, you should offer “turn-key” solutions: pan with recipes included.


With proven competences acquired on the field, Frédéric Menguy could be an added value to your products. He can perform at your customer’s or in your facilities:

Pan operators training

After a pan installation, your customer could ask you to carry out training for the operators on site. This training, that is often longer, is not always compatible with the schedule of commissioning engineer and technician teams.


Frédéric Menguy can take part as a subcontractor to you or your client, if you cannot carry out the training yourself.

Thanks to his experience as a trainer, he can set up training programs perfectly adapted so that pan operators can become autonomous very quickly.

Pan Recipe development

Training / advising is also available for pan recipe development to be set-up into automatic pans. Below are further service possibilities:



In your workshop


Pan recipe development I.T. incorporated.

Frédéric Menguy can work if necessary with your team in order to incorporate standard recipes into the I.T. system. This could be added value.


If necessary your technicians can be trade on the six steps of panning:

  • Precoating
  • Chocolate coating
  • Hard panning (sugar or sugar-free)
  • Soft panning
  • Colouring and finishing
  • Chocolate and sugar polishing

At your customer’s facilities


Set up of manufacturing parameters

The pan recipe development on site will be better adapted to the specific needs of your customer.


Trouble shooting

After a few months of production your customer could need assistance to best benefit from the pan’s capacity. Once again Frédéric Menguy can help – as a sub-contractor or directly with your customer – in order to adjust the protocols and help him solve potential problems. [see link to trouble shooting]


Modelling and/or automating of traditional process

Frédéric Menguy can help you to model a process to help you create a new pan or an installation linked to the panning process.

In our Application Laboratory

Tailor-made trainings for your technician

Are you looking for a pan coating training adapted to your needs?